EPISODE 14 | "Moisturize & Dress Romantically" ft. @DebonaireDB

On episode seven of Bonnets & Durags: A Pillow Talk Podcast, Simone links up with the fine, young gentlemen of Debonaire Douchebags. Marcus, Jelani, CJ, and Travis contribute their thoughts on topics like what their douchebag percentage is, relationship therapy, mentoring, IG baddies, beard culture and more. Be sure to pull up on them at their 4th annual Blowing O's event on Saturday, July 28 in NYC. Find out more info here - blowingos.info.
Follow the gentlemen on their social media platforms at (@)Dapper_Dapo, (@)viajetjaguar, (@)BornWitaCharm, & (@)BySirWilliams